All industrial and intellectual property rights to the website, as well as all of the elements it contains (including but not limited to images and texts) are held by Grupo WorkandLife, S.L. As a USER, you may view these elements and even print, copy and store them on your hard drive or on any other physical medium as long as it is solely and exclusively for your own personal and private use.

Any use for commercial purposes or distribution as well as any modification, alteration or decompiling is absolutely prohibited.

USERS must abstain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protective mechanism or security system installed on the pages.



1. Data controller Identity.

The information given by the USER through any of the forms existing in the WEBSITE must be included in one or some files of which GRUPO WORKANDLIFE S.L. (from now on, the COMPANY) is responsible, with social address in Avenida Matapiñonera 11, bloque 2, 1º planta oficina 218, 28703 San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid).


2. Scope of the threatment

The COMPANY must treat all the information given by the USER with different purposes, depending on the data gathering procedure:

a. Manage the contractual or commercial relationship established between the COMPANY and the USER.

b. Render the services requested by the USER.

c. Manage, render, increase and improve the services to which the USER would have subscribed.

d. Accurate those services to improve their quality.

e. Design new services related to the previous ones.

f. Achieve statistics studies that allow the COMPANY design improvements in the rendered services.

g. Send information required by the USER.

h. Send information about modifications in the products or services contracted by the USER.

i. Send information about new products or services similar to those originally contracted or that could be of interest to you by any means, including electronic, even when the commercial relationship established between THE COMPANY and the USER terminates.

The USER allows the treatment of his data with the aims described above, even though of the right that has to revoke the consent sending an e-mail to the address, identifying himself as USER of the WEBSITE and specifying the request or, in its case, through clicking the checkbox included in the form.


3. Information addresses

The data given by the USER to the COMPANY will not be communicated to a third party, except:

a. If the communication is legally allowed.

b. When the processing corresponds to the free and legitimate acceptance of a legal relationship whose course, performance and monitoring necessarily involve the connection between such processing and files of third parties. In that case, communication shall be legitimate to the extent of the purpose justifying it.

c. When the communication to be effected is destined for the Ombudsman, the Office of Public Prosecutor, judges, courts or the Court of Auditors in the exercise of the functions assigned to them.


4. Compulsary or optional nature of the information requested

The obligatory data of every form will be identified as it in the same form.

The denial to supply such information will avoid making affective the service requested by the USER.


5. Rights Exercise

The USER can exercise the rights of access, modification, deletion and opposition sending an e-mail to, identifying as USER of the WEBSITE and specifying the request.

The user can exercise the rights mentioned above trough postal mail to the address Avenida Matapiñoneras 11, bloque 2, 1º planta oficina 218, 28703 San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid), identifying himself as USER of the WEBSITE, by sending his ID’s photocopy and specifying the request.


6. USER’S commitments

The USER guarantees that is older than 14 years old and the information given is precise and truthful.

The USER commits to notice the COMPANY about any modification made in the information given sending an e-mail to, identifying as USER of the WEBSITE and specifying the information to be modified.

Likewise, the user commits to keep the passwords and identification codes in secret and to report to the COMPANY, as soon as possible, any loss, removal or non-authorized access. While this report is not made, the COMPANY will be exempt of any responsibility derived of the unduly use by third parties of those passwords and identification codes.


7. Third people data given by the USER

In case the USER provides personal data of third people with any purpose, guarantees to have previously informed those people and have acquired the consent of them to communicate those data to the COMPANY.

The USER guarantees that those affected are over 14 years and that the information provided is accurate and truthful.

The COMPANY will contrast the consent of those subjects with them through a first e-mail with non-commercial contents in which consent verification will be requested.

If any responsibility is derived from a USER’S breach of these conditions, this one must face the consequences of that breach.


8. Cookies and monitoring archives

In addition to cookies strictly necessary for web browsing, such as session cookies, this website uses analytic cookies, proprietary and third-party (Google Analytics services), which allow to store information in the user's browser, which can be retrieved On subsequent visits.

The services of Google Analitycs serve to measure and analyze the visits of the web.

The data obtained will be treated by Google in accordance with its Privacy Policy.

Therefore, the exercise of any right related to cookies by Google must do so by communicating directly to those responsible for this website.

Cookies will not be installed on your computer until the user states his intention to browse the web through one of the following actions:

a. Remain more than 30 seconds on the web

b. Move vertically on the web.

c. Click on any point or web link.

The user also accepts the use of cookies and tracking files of IP addresses in order to enable THE COMPANY to collect data for statistical purposes, such as date of first visit, number of times you have visited, date of last visit, URL and domain, browser used and screen resolution.

In any case, the user may prevent the installation of cookies or delete the ones that had already been installed, through the configuration of the browser, as well as through the use of specific applications. However, disabling cookies may impair the normal functioning of the web site. THE COMPANY is not responsible of this fact.

You can disable cookies by clicking on the following links:

a. Chrome

b. Firefox

c. Safari

d. iOS (Safari)

e. Android

f. BlackBerry

g. Internet Explorer

The information collected is completely anonymous and it will never be associated with a specific user. However, THE COMPANY is not responsible for the deactivation of the same prevents the proper functioning of the page. The information obtained is totally anonymous, and in no case can be associated with a specific and identified user.


9. Security measures

The COMPANY has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data and avoid its alteration, loss, or unauthorized access, according to the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks they are exposed, whether from human actions as well as physical or natural. However, the USER should be aware that Internet security measures are not impregnable.




GRUPO WORKANDLIFE guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data provided by users and their automatic processing pursuant to personal data protection laws and the Data Protection clause.



GRUPO WORKANDLIFE manages this website in order toprovide information to users and the general public. The material on this website is provided for informational purposes only.

Our objective is to keep this information up to date and accurate. We try to correct any errors revealed. The creators of the documents used on the website continue to be the creators of these documents throughout the entire lifecycle of said documents. However, GRUPO WORKANDLIFE does not assume any liability whatsoever related to the material included on this website. Said material:

Only consists of general information which does not cover specific circumstances related to any particular people or organisations;

Does not necessary offer exhaustive, complete, exact or up-to-date information;

Sometimes contains links to external websites over which GRUPO WORKANDLIFE has no control and for which it is not liable in any way;

Does not offer professional advice or constitute any grounds for any type of legal claim (please consult with a qualified professional for legal information).

GRUPO WORKANDLIFE reserves the right, at its own discretion, to suspend, change, modify, add or eliminate information on this website at any time.

We aim to reduce problems caused by technical errors to a minimum. Nevertheless, some data or information on our website may have been created or structured in files or formats that are not error-free meaning we cannot guarantee that our service will remain uninterrupted or not be affected in any way by such problems. GRUPO WORKANDLIFE is not liable in any way for any problems of this type which you may experience when visiting this website or any of the external links included on it.

The purpose of this liability waiver clause is not to limit the liability of GRUPO WORKANDLIFE contrary to applicable regulations or exclude it from cases where, in virtue of said regulations, it cannot be excluded.

Grupo WorkandLife, S.L. VAT ID: B-83298620, Trade Register of Madrid, Volume 17. 576, Book 0, Volume 135, Section 8, Page M-302221, Entry 1

Pursuant to the provisions of Spanish Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on Personal Data Protection, the data are included in an automatic file owned by WorkandLife S.L. and may be used for (the fiscal, accounting and administrative management of the contractual relationship as well as to send promotional information related to our products and services) and are subject to rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition which may be exercised at the WorkandLife S.L. registered address at Poeta Rafael Morales 2, 1ºC. SanSebastián de los Reyes 28702 (Madrid).


For information, pleasewrite to:

Grupo WorkandLife
Avda. Matapiñonera 11, bloque 2
28703 San Sebastián de los Reyes

T. +34 91 659 57 66
F. +34 91 659 50 00
